Trace: • hfss_multi_threading
HFSS Multi-Threading
HFSS instructions to enable multiprocessing on optimetrics:
Step 1:
- Go to Tools → Options → HPC and Analysis Options
- Select 'Options' tab and set the Name/Value option of 'HPC License' to 'Pool'
Step 2:
- Under Tools → Options → HPC and Analysis Options
- Select 'Configurations' tab
- Under 'Available Configurations', select the 'Local' line and click 'Edit…'
- In the next dialog 'Analysis Configuration' under the 'Machines' tab, uncheck the option 'Use Automatic Settings'
- In the 'Machines for Distributed Analysis' list, select the 'localhost' one and set the 'Tasks' option to equal the number of 'Cores'. You can add other machines here as well
wiki/student/hfss_multi_threading.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/26 14:05 by cwday