Graduate Student Monitor Policy

In the past, spare monitors were given to out for student use on a first-come, first-serve basis. This was largely unregulated. By 2016, most students felt they needed multiple monitors. Some had three 22“ or 24” monitors, while others were forced to use a single monitor (sometimes as small as 19“) because there were no spares left. Meanwhile, new faculty were being forced to purchase monitors for their offices out of startup funds because no suitable spares were available.

In 2016, in consultation with the department Executive Committee, the Chair issued this policy:

  1. Graduate students (Master and PhD) may have up to two department-funded monitors for their use
  2. Students may not get a spare monitor from storage on their own, they must be accompanied by the full-time CSR or an Assistant CSR
  3. If there are not enough spare monitors available to satisfy legitimate demand, the department will purchase what is needed
  4. Faculty may purchase additional monitors with their own funds and allocate them as desired (thus allowing some to have more than two monitors)
    1. All such purchases must still go through the full-time CSR, per College purchasing guidelines. It is also expected that the CSR will keep track of which monitors were paid for through department funds and which were purchased through research funds.