Instructions on creating the Image for the Control/Robotics lab:
1) Update firmware
2) In security, turn on Trusted Execution Technology
3) Turn Prompt on memory size change off
4) Turn znum Lock on wake up on
5) Turn Support Legacy Boot on
6) Disable Legacy Boot
7) Turn off Legacy Support
8) In Video settings, turn on intel integrated video
9) Save settings on a USB drive
File System Setup
1) go to gdisk
3) gdisk /dev/sda
4) type: x, z, yes, yes
5) restart the pc
6) using gdisk, receate the the table : o -y
7) write changes to partitions made: w -y
8) make a new partition : n (keep default)
9) for the last sector: +128M
10) type: ef00
11) make new partition: n, (starting partition) +128m, (ending part) -32m, (last setting keep default)
12) write to disk: w, then confirm
13) type: sudo mkfsv.fat /dev/sda1 -n ESP
14) Install Ubuntu: Minimal install; then select something else
15) use ext4; mount point “/” (root)
16) Finish Ubuntu install
OS And Software:
1) Install updates and upgrades –> sudo apt update, sudo apt upgrade
2) Install the immense amount of packages they will need:
sudo apt install vim git curl zsh exfat-utils htop ssh build-essential manpages-dev libeigen3-dev libopenblas-dev liblapacke-dev tesseract-ocr libtesseract-dev libleptonica-dev libboost-all-dev libtbb-dev ocl-icd-opencl-dev ocl-icd-libopencl1 opencl-headers clinfo libffi-dev gcc cmake pybind11-dev ghostscript-x libcap-dev pps-tools libeditline-dev libreadline-dev libtomcrypt-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev libpthread-workqueue-dev libdbus-1-dev libgconf-2-4 libeigen-stl-containers-dev ocl-icd-dev flex vtk7 libgtk-3-dev pkg-config xpdf libcanberra-gtk-module apt-transport-https gnome-tweaks ffmpeg samba
3) Install python and pip –> sudo apt install python-dev python3-dev python-pip python3-pip
4) Install Matlab, Atom, Google Chrome, Sublime Text, VS Code, and Ros Melodic
5) Run thses lines in terminal to make sure pip and python run on all users: (run them as root)
pip2 install –upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip3 install –upgrade pip setuptools wheel
##These version commands are to make sure you have the correct version of pip## pip –version
pip2 –version
pip3 –version
pip2 install ipython numpy scipy pygame vtk matplotlib pyside2 pybind11 jinja2 pytesseract tesserocr jupyter gym
posix_ipc tqdm unidecode control
pip2 install pyopencl
pip3 install ipython numpy scipy pybind11 pygame vtk matplotlib pyqt5 pyside2 jinja2 control pytesseract tesserocr
jupyter gnupg dbus-python python-networkmanager gym posix_ipc tqdm unidecode
pip3 install pyopencl