===== CAEDM Groups Custom URLs ===== ​The default URL for CAEDM groups is %%http://groupname.groups.et.byu.net/%%. When you request a custom URL for a group (like %%http://ecencsrs.ee.byu.edu/%% and %%http://www.ecencsrs.ee.byu.edu/%%) the old URL %%http://ecencsrs.groups.et.byu.net/%% is turned off. If you still want the old .net URL to work, you can request CAEDM to add in %%http://ecencsrs.groups.et.byu.net%% as another alias for that group. Groups that have custom URL's have the custom URL notated in the comment field of duser in the CMS. **These types of requests should be made to the CAEDM administrators in 220 EB.**